My Story

Many revered analogies have a flavorful component. We strive for the taste of success. We eat up a good movie or book. A terrific new band sounds tasty. And a good comedian has his audience eating out of his hand.
My name is Scott Schalin, and I’d like to swallow as much of this planet as I can before it escapes me.
Background nonsense…I began my communications career working for Stephen J. Cannell Productions as a Production Coordinator for such TV shows as 21 Jump Street, Wiseguy and The Commish.
At the same time, I also worked as a freelance writer and editor for such publications as SPIN, Billboard, RIP, BAM, Request and Music Connection. I wrote thousands of features on sports stars and some of the most popular bands of this era, including Metallica, Van Halen, AC/DC, the Ramones, Stone Temple Pilots, Motley Crue and Tool.
While working on some of Larry Flynt’s music magazines such as RIP and Rock Beat, I was offered an Editorship at Hustler (yes, they really do have articles) and worked my way up Flynt’s Fantasy Fortress in Beverly Hills. I helped launch several new, successful magazine titles and was soon promoted to Executive Editor of Chic and Pure.
From there, I was whisked away by a fledgling online entertainment company called, Interactive Gallery Inc. (IGI), where I became the President and Creative Director. At IGI, I created hundreds of entertainment websites while managing the traffic and conversion strategies. As sales grew, IGI was courted and eventually purchased by the publically traded media giant New Frontier Media.
After the purchase, I partnered with a former business ally to become the President and co-owner of Herbal Groups Inc., a marketing company specializing in selling a variety of all-natural health and fitness products. I managed and ran all daily operations of Herbal Groups for over 16 years, helping grow the company into a multi-million annual enterprise before moving to Seattle and forming my own marketing company, SnL Creative Consulting in 2017.
SnL Creative Consulting manages the creative and marketing aspects of retailers looking for new and improved strategies to promote their products and better build their brand both on and offline via social media, email, telemarketing, website copy and design, media guides and all direct response advertising.
Writing blog articles is also a Snl Consulting specialty. I have written hundreds of articles on a vast variety of subjects that fit any client’s needs. My articles uncover unique angles to educate, engage and entertain the reader. At the same time, all articles include targeted keywords to enhance Search Engine rankings along with specific anchor links and imbedded social strategies to further increase traffic flow through the content to the appropriate online destination.
Beyond the blogs, my feature writing has embraced my love of travel, food and football. I bellied upped as a restaurant critic for I also had the good fortune to launch the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame website and act as Executive Editor while writing about the team’s colorful and storied past.
When I’m not tapping at the keys, I’m sipping a martini while creating new culinary concoctions in the Seattle kitchen I share with my best friend and beautiful wife, Leslie, the kindest nurse on the planet. There’s usually a gaggle of rescue cats milling beneath the cutting board searching for scraps.
But then, in a way, we’re all searching for scraps. But I digest…