SnL Creative Consulting prides itself on professionalism, energetic creativity and versatility in directing and orchestrating the marketing materials for a variety of retailers. We have decades of experience in all aspects of Direct Response marketing – creating commanding websites, managing social media, telemarketing and email campaigns, along with creating and implementing successful direct mail, print, radio and television advertising strategies.
We write and edit eye-catching website and media copy, direct the vision of your brand and better drive customers to your offer.
We also specialize in writing enlightening Blog Articles to enhance search engine relevance and increase traffic flow. Click here to sample some recent blogs.
Here are just a few of SnL Creative Consulting’s most recent clients:
Leon F Bennett Family Law Firm
Acted as the Creative Director to conceive, construct and author all the copy for the web presence of this famous Family Law firm in Southern California. The text includes many high-ranking keywords and strategic SEO imbeds designed to boost the site’s rankings while delivering strong Calls to Action throughout the navigation.
Managed the Creative Direction for several of this marketing company’s clients to improve their website’s search rankings while also writing copy for their websites and blogs. Clients included FantaSea Yachts and Assisted Living Education.
I was the Creative Director tasked with creating the website, social media ad campaigns and launched a monthly e-mail newsletter. I also wrote the text for the 30-page manufacturer’s instruction and safety pamphlet for this electronic bicycle retailer.
Acted as Creative Director for the website that promotes the latest invention called the Cord Glide by this Chicago-based commercial cleaning company. I also wrote and created the product’s style guide, trade show pamphlets and the website text.
Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame
I was the original Creative Director and Executive Editor for the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame website that connected the team’s long and colorful history to its passionate fan base.